Friday, December 30, 2011

Most Effective Core Workout?

The Plank!

This website (Bloom to Fit) gives it to you straight and simple.  There are several variations of The Plank to hit all your ab muscles.  I currently do 3 sets of 20 seconds.  Back in the day I did 3 sets of 60 seconds....that's what I'm currently working back up to.  Just make sure you have good form so you don't strain your lower back! 

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Cardio Cardio Cardio

Let's face can do all the sit ups, crunches, and core work in the world, but if you don't burn the fat over the muscle you'll never reach the prize!  So cardio is my main focus right now (as well as eating right....I'll get there another day).  I recently bought a treadmill online for a steal.  The catch, it's on a constant 10% incline, so it's kicks my butt and it's very hard to run on.  So for now I'm doing a lot of fast walking with some jogging intervals.

This week I've been using music for my intervals.  Sometimes watching the time just makes things drag on....  So get yourself a pumped up playlist that's about 35-45 minutes long.  The first song is your warm up, for me 2 mph.  Then I alternate 2.5 mph and 3 mph as the songs change.  I may throw in a 3.5 from time to time.  I cool down with 2 mph on the last song.  Have fun with it!  Music is your friend when it comes to cardio, let it get you moving.

I love this saying!

Check out this website (BODYROCK) for awesome new moves and workouts.
This week I've added the Hot Curves Challenge to my routine.

Monday, December 26, 2011

This week's Pump Me Up music

Set Fire to the Rain by Adele

My Body by Young the Giant

Sexy and I know It by LMFOA


I will try and take pictures every week or so to track my progress.  I usually try and weigh myself and take pics in the morning since that's when you're at your thinnest, but this picture was taken in the evening.  Maybe that's a good thing...I'll see more progress!

Day 1

I've decided that for my 31st birthday I'd like to give myself 6-pack abs!  For the last few years I've fluctuated in my weight from as low as 128 up to 150 (I'm 5'7").  Currently I weigh 138 lbs, but weight isn't my main concern.  I just want to like the way I look and be proud of my health and fitness.  I've worked with a personal trainer, fitness competitor, and done a lot of research about health and nutrition, but I've always strayed from my goals.  I know what I need to do I just need to finally do it!  So I'm using this blog as an outlet to share my progress and I'm sure the occasional roadblock.  I'm hoping others can use my tips as motivations to meet their own goals!  If I don't have amazing abs at the end of this 115 days I may be disappointed, but I won't give up!